Best Management Practices (BMPs) are agricultural practices that improve farm productivity and reduce sediment and nutrient pollutant loads to our local waterways. BMPs can be structural practices (manure storage, field terraces) and non-structural, operational practices (e.g., cover crops, grazing management).
In the first installment of his blog on high tunnel season extension, Chris Lent - an NCAT Agriculture Specialist - discusses how to purchase and site a high tunnel for the most success. Subsequent bl...
High tunnels are nonpermanent structures that are usually constructed of a metal frame covered in plastic. These structures can be placed on top of agricultural fields so that crops can be planted in ...
Water Quality Stewardship provides an easy to follow breakdown of water resources and the relationship between soil health and water quality. If you are looking to better understand Earth's water res...
The Future-Proof Your Farm booklet offers resources to farmers looking for information or management tools to begin or enhance planting cover crops on farms. It includes a guide in deciding what cove...
The Chesapeake Bay Program's Quick Reference Guide for Best Management Practices (BMPs) provides summary profiles for each BMP in the Bay Program's Watershed Model. The Phase 6 Watershed Model is used...