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High Tunnel Manual

High tunnels are nonpermanent structures that are usually constructed of a metal frame covered in plastic. These structures can be placed on top of agricultural fields so that crops can be planted in the ground, but the added cover the tunnels provide acts like a greenhouse. High tunnels can provide many benefits to farmers, especially extension of the growing season.

Penn State Extension has produced a multitude of resources on high tunnels, describing the basics, how to build them, and tips for maximizing yields of different crops. One of these resources includes a series of five short videos discussing the basics of high tunnels, which you can view at the link provided: High Tunnel Structures: The Basics (

Another of these helpful resources is the High Tunnel Production Manual, a comprehensive guide to construction, maintenance, irrigation, pest management, and details on growing crops in high tunnels. The manual is available for purchase from the author; see the link provided for more information: High Tunnel Manual (

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