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Leacock supervisors support farmer for grant to use biochar in stormwater management

At the end of September, the Center for Water Quality Excellence assisted the Center for Watershed Protection in preparing a grant application to the Lancaster Clean Water Fund Large Implementation Grants Program, on behalf of a Leacock Township farmer.

The CWQE has been working with Mr. Stoltzfoos since early spring 2022, when he contacted us about alternatives to stone-filled infiltration trenches as a means of stormwater management for his agricultural high tunnels. CWQE discussed possibilities including replacing the stone in the trenches with biochar and installing a riparian buffer along the stream on his property as stormwater controls, while also helping develop a funding strategy for these practices. CWQE's discussions with Mr. Stoltzfoos also led to discussions with leadership at Leacock Township, resulting in a support letter for the grant application.

For more information on biochar and stormwater management for agricultural high tunnels, see our article: High Tunnels and Stormwater Management

SOURCE: Leacock supervisors support farmer for grant to use biochar in stormwater management | Community News |

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