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Wetlands Work: Engaging Private Landowners in Wetland Restoration

For private landowners interested in restoring wetlands on their property, the Chesapeake Bay Program maintains the Wetlands Work website. Wetlands Work encourages wetland restoration on private property, which can have a huge impact on reducing nitrogen and other pollutants into Chesapeake Bay and local waterways. 

By entering their county and zip code, landowners are provided with a list of available funding programs and the contact information of local wetland planners who can help them develop a project on their property. This directory is available for all six states in the watershed. The website also provides basic information about the different types of wetlands, the environmental and economic benefits of wetlands, and the importance of restoration. 

In addition, the website walks through the five steps of building or restoring a wetland and provides resources and advice at each step: finding technical support; finding funding; applying for funding and designing the wetland; building the wetland; and maintaining the wetland.

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